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Kailin Yong Awarded Daniel Pearl Memorial Violin for 2004/2005

Violinist, teacher and composer Kailin Yong, a native of Singapore and resident of Boulder, Colorado is the second recipient of the Daniel Pearl Memorial Violin. The award, given in August 2004 by a committee headed by Mark O'Connor at his Strings Conference in San Diego, California, honors Kailin's exceptional musicianship.

The Daniel Pearl Memorial violin was crafted by Jonathan Cooper of Maine in honor of the slain American reporter, who was also an accomplished violinist and fiddler. Kailin will have the instrument for one year and plans to use it for all of his musical endeavors. Kailin will offer several Daniel Pearl Music Day concerts with his jazz quartet, Boulder Acoustic Society, and together with the Boulder Youth Symphony. Early in 2005 Kailin is planning to give several concerts dedicated to memory of Daniel Pearl in his native home of Singapore as well as his adopted home in Colorado.

“I feel very honored to have received the Daniel Pearl dedication violin, and I feel spiritually connected to the cause of this musical mission of peace.” said Kailin upon receiving the violin. “I think its one of the most beautiful things ever to see people of all backgrounds come together, to be moved and transported to heaven by music, overcoming all the ugliness, hatred, and greed in the world. Our calling as musicians is to keep making beautiful music so that people are constantly being reminded of the positive side of Life.”

People are familiar with Kailin as a multi-faceted artist. It is as common to hear him playing a Bach solo sonata as to hear him jamming on Sweet Georgia Brown with his jazz quartet. “It is a great feeling to play music with people – to create an instant camaraderie with other musicians when we're able to speak each other's musical language.”

Kailin is working on his new solo album, a musical diary of the past 10 years of his life as he branched out from classical music to explore new musical styles, reflecting the places he has lived and the people he has met and learned from.

The violin has been his constant companion since age 6. He won first prize in the Singapore National Music Competition, toured the world with the Asian Youth Orchestra, and then went on to complete his studies in classical violin performance and chamber music at the Vienna Academy of Music. His mentors include the Kang Choon Sim, The Takacs Quartet, Art Lande, Darol Anger, Roshan Jamal Bhartiya, Georges Lammam, and Souhail Kaspar.

Kailin came to the USA in 1999 to help found the Aerith String Quartet, performing extensively in the USA and Asia. Kailin eventually settled in Boulder, CO, and now performs across the USA as a solo artist as well as playing with Boulder Acoustic Society (neo-acoustic jazz), the Colorado Mahlerfestival Orchestra, the Tango Camerata (Argentine tango), and Saltanah Ensemble (Middle Eastern). His band Boulder Acoustic Society has recently been named winner of the Notes@9000 Emerging Artists Competition, and eagerly anticipates release of their debut album “So Many Stars in the Sky”. Kailin combines his multitude of interests in the multi-genre project Infinite Possibilities Of the Violin (IPOV). He enjoys composing original music and making creative arrangements for all the great musicians that touch his life. He is also involved with Colorado chamber music outreach programs Up Close and Musical Ensemble and Art Reaching Kids. Kailin has been a teacher of violin and improvisational styles for more than ten years, and was invited as a soloist and instructor at the First Asia Suzuki Conference. He will be traveling to San Francisco shortly to record music with the San Francisco Symphony for the soundtrack of the US Forest Service's 100th anniversary documentary.


For more information on Kailin Yong please contact him at kailin@stringsoftao.com or visit him on the web at www.stringsoftao.com or www.boulderacousticsociety.net

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